Please Note: We are away for the 2nd half of September, so if you need your order quickly, please place it before Thursday September 12th.
from: Tobias Kaye

Tree character in sound

The character of each type of tree is clearly shown in the shapes, colours and movement of it''''s leaves, bark, flowers etc. Acacia-Robinia for example has thorns on new growth, light yellow-green leaves and a shimmering movement in the lightest breezes.
This sparky character is seen also in the strangely yellow wood and its brittle character. Rot-resistant the timber has a ''''you cant touch me'''' attitiude to weather as its thorny twigs do to animals. When made into instruments these patterns of Acacia''''s nature show up in the sound.
Shimmering overtones brighten each note, the sustain is long and full of dancing overtones. as can be heard in this clip: 445 Hermetic Bowl in Acacia Robinia
If you compare all this with Yew, what do you get?
Here''''s a clip of a 5 string Heart Bowl in Yew.
How does this sound compare? How do the patterns of Yew the tree relate to Yew as a musical instrument? We use a variety of local hardwood trees.
Most other stringed instruments have conifer wood sound boards. Each different tree we use reveals different characters in its sound. How do you think Ash would sound compared to Cherry, or Sycamore?

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